New Firearm Laws in Washington for 2024: What You Need to Know

In 2024, Washington State continues to expand its firearm regulations, focusing on enhancing public safety and imposing stricter requirements on gun dealers and owners. Governor Jay Inslee recently signed several new bills into law, which introduce significant changes to firearm possession, reporting requirements, and security measures for dealers.

Here’s an overview of the key legislative updates:

New Restrictions on Open Carry in Public Spaces

Effective June 6, 2024, Senate Bill 5444 prohibits the open carry of firearms in public libraries, zoos, aquariums, and transit facilities. Individuals with concealed-carry permits may still carry their firearms, but only if properly concealed. This law adds these locations to the existing list of prohibited open-carry zones, which already include places like schools, courtrooms, and government buildings.

Stricter Regulations for Gun Dealers

House Bill 2118 introduces new safety requirements for gun dealers. Starting July 5, 2025, licensed firearms dealers in Washington must comply with additional security measures, including:

  • Running annual background checks on employees.
  • Installing alarm systems and maintaining 24-hour video surveillance.
  • Responding promptly to law enforcement inquiries.
  • Carrying general liability insurance of at least $1 million per incident.

These measures are designed to tighten control over the sale and transfer of firearms, as well as enhance the security of gun dealers’ operations.

Mandatory Reporting of Lost or Stolen Firearms

One of the most notable changes is House Bill 1903, which reduces the reporting deadline for lost or stolen firearms from five days to just 24 hours. Firearm owners must report any loss or theft of a firearm to local law enforcement within 24 hours of discovering the loss, or face civil penalties up to $1,000. This change aims to increase accountability and help law enforcement track stolen weapons more efficiently.

Destruction of Firearms in Buyback Programs

Under House Bill 2021, law enforcement agencies, including the Washington State Patrol, are now required to destroy firearms obtained through buyback programs. Exceptions apply for antique firearms, curios, and historically significant items, which may be auctioned or donated to museums. This law aims to reduce the number of unwanted firearms in circulation while preserving historically valuable weapons.

Incompetent to Stand Trial: Firearm Restrictions

Senate Bill 6246 reinforces restrictions on firearm possession by individuals who have been declared incompetent to stand trial for felony charges. Such individuals are now legally prohibited from owning or possessing firearms. The firearms in their possession must be surrendered to local law enforcement immediately.

Building on Previous Legislation

These new laws build on the comprehensive firearm regulations passed in 2023, which included a ban on AR-15s and other semi-automatic rifles, as well as a mandatory 10-day waiting period for firearm purchases. Washington continues to implement a series of reforms to address gun violence and improve public safety through these targeted measures.


Washington’s 2024 legislative session introduced several key updates to the state’s firearm regulations. From tighter security measures for gun dealers to stricter reporting requirements for gun owners, these new laws reflect the state’s ongoing efforts to control gun violence and ensure responsible gun ownership. If you are a firearm owner or dealer in Washington, it’s essential to stay informed about these changes to remain in compliance with the law.

For more details on Washington’s firearm regulations, you can visit the Washington State Attorney General’s Firearms webpage or check out the latest updates from local authorities.