Clark County Steps Up DUI Enforcement

Clark County Steps Up DUI Enforcement [custom_frame_right] [/custom_frame_right] Clark County has begun their annual DUI emphasis starting Friday, December 7.  Highway signs warn drivers of the increased DUI patrols during the season.  The increased patrols usually last until January 1. Keep in mind that in Washington, you can commit a DUI even if your blood … Read more

VPD Officer Arrested

[custom_frame_right] [/custom_frame_right] Escapes DUI Charge In another example of Vancouver law enforcement getting preferential treatment in the criminal justice system, Detective Jeremy Free with the Vancouver Police Department was pulled over this weekend in Washougal after he failed to stop for a stop sign. Detective Free was with his wife and two children in the … Read more

DOL Hearing Fee Increase

DOL Hearing Fee Increase [custom_frame_right] [/custom_frame_right] The Washington Department of Licensing has increased the fee to request a hearing to contest a license suspension after a DUI arrest.  This means that anyone arrested for a DUI, will now have to pay $375 to request a hearing.  This is almost twice as much as the previous … Read more

Prosecutors Start Dismissing Marijuana Charges

Prosecutors Start Dismissing Marijuana Charges [custom_frame_right] [/custom_frame_right] Misdemeanor Possession Charges Being Dismissed Prosecutors around Washington have begun dismissing misdemeanor marijuana charges that fall within the requirements of the new law. Although the new law, Initiative 502, does not officially go into effect until December 6, 2012, we have been getting dismissals early. Here in Clark … Read more

New Marijuana DUI Law

New Marijuana DUI Law New Per Se THC Standard Measure 502, Washington’s initiative that decriminalizes and regulates the sale and use of marijuana, establishes a new standard for charging DUIs based on marijuana use. Typically, anyone charges with a DUI is being charged for consuming too much alcohol before driving. Washington’s DUI law RCW 46.61.502, … Read more

Marijuana Initiative Passes in Washington

Marijuana Initiative Passes in Washington Washington Initiative 502 Washington Initiative 502 passed last night with overwhelming support. The new law will allow people 21 years and older to legally carry up to an ounce of marijuana and it will establish a system of regulated and licensed businesses that can legally sell marijuana. Supporters of the … Read more