New DUI Laws Go Into Effect

New DUI Laws in Washington     Washington’s new DUI legislation is going into effect.  Below I have included a summary of the major changes to the law. Concentration (RCW 46.61.502) Still .08 for alcohol, but 5.00 NPM for Non-carboxy THC, or 0.00 NPM if client is under 21 For CDL it is “any measurable … Read more

Search and Seizure Case Update

Search and Seizure Case Update   The Washington Court of Appeals Division II, recently decided a case concerning a person’s right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures. The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution protects individuals from unreasonable searches and seizures.  Likewise, Washington’s own constitution has a similar protection that is even … Read more

Deferred Prosecution for Indigent Defendants

Deferred Prosecution for Indigent Defendants   On January 17, 2013, the Washington Supreme Court en banc, recently decided that Washington law does not require the court to pay for an indigent defendant’s treatment while in deferred prosecution. RCW 10.05.130 is relevant statute and states that: “[F]unds shall be appropriated from the fines and forfeitures of … Read more

Mixed Motive Traffic Stops Legal

Mixed Motive Traffic Stops Legal   The Washington State Supreme Court en banc recently ruled in their December 20, 2012 decision in State v. Arreola, that “mixed-motive” traffic stops are not in violation of Washington’s Constitution.  Washington law has held that pretext traffic stop are a violation of a driver’s right to be free from … Read more

Washington Ignition Interlock Cameras

Washington Ignition Interlock Cameras [custom_frame_right] [/custom_frame_right] New Cameras Required in 2013   Starting January 1, 2013, Washington Ignition Interlock Devices will start taking pictures once the device is used. The new feature is intended to prevent those drivers who attempt to circumvent the purpose of the device by having someone else blow into it.  The … Read more

Two DV Cases Dismissed

Two DV Cases Dismissed [custom_frame_right]  [/custom_frame_right] This week ended with the prosecution dismissing two separate cases where my two clients were each facing Assault 4 DV charges.  Each was quite different and had their own weaknesses.  Ultimately, the prosecution was convinced that a jury would probably acquit each defendant.